Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, as you would like to connect with the Divine, ask yourself what is the level of your Love thermostat? Love is truly a force which can be expanded to potentials you have not experienced yet. Love can be lukewarm or full blast. Each heart responds in kind to the love it receives. The Father does love His children full blast, without holding back. In a way, He does make Himself vulnerable to rejection and love un-received. You do know somewhat the feeling of sadness which accompanies such an unshared type of love.
“Do learn to expand the power of your love as it truly can be increased. Just as you are building your soul muscles, do as well expand the muscles of your heart. The more you give out love, the more you will experience True Love as it will flood in to replace whatever amount of love you gave out. It will also gain in momentum and surprise you with its unleashed power.
“Do work at it, dear one, and you will unfailingly recognize its transformative and co-creative power, the only true power which created universes and which created you. You are loved beyond your ability to understand it at this time. Yet, do welcome this love and allow it to flood your whole being as it will give you the strength to go on and be the change you want to see in the world. The Father does need assistance in the process of the multiplication of Love. There is an amazing power of synergy whenever Love is included as an intention in group consciousness.”