The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The Creator equipped you with five physical senses to get to know Him. Have you ever looked at it this way? Each one enables you to have a pleasant interactive experience while beholding and experiencing first-hand the beautiful gifts wrapped in everything there is.

He loves you through the fragrant emanations of flowers in bloom, the pleasant tastesof a rich cornucopia of fruit and vegetables ripened to perfection by warmth-providing sunrays, coupled with the organic watering system of rain showers and morning dews. He loves you through awe-inspiring ever-original skyscapes, breathtaking morning and night light shows, soft and caring touches, gentle kisses, playful breezes, and the forcefulness of the elements. He channels his infinite love through your eyesight, tastebuds, nostrils, ears, epidermis, and in bazillions of innovative ways.

Yet, His love goes way beyond the range of your bodily sensory receptors. He loves you for your mind, your wits, and the many endearing ways of your self-expression. He loves you when your heart overflows with gratitude and longings for Him. He loves you as you are, nudging you toward the perfection of your multi-faceted being—latent in the starter kit he gave you at birth.

He loves you for the purity of your soul, meant to become a clear reflection of him. He loves you for the love you harbor toward others and for letting Him use you as a willing channel of His love toward all-that-is. He relishes in your journey of discoveries.

Close your eyes and dive within. He is there too! Instead of shying away from His omnipresence, open yourself up to it—with all you. The quality of your life experience will be mightily upgraded when you entrust yourself to His all-transforming and all-beautifying influence. Share your treasures with others, and they too will bless you with theirs.”

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