The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were just pondering the fact that numbers—mathematics—are devoid of emotions. Science is also devoid of emotions as it deals with facts and observation. Science is a way to look at things in an objective fashion in order to extract truth from the articulation and testing of various theories. Truth will emerge through the process of trials and errors and faulty theories will be disproven.

“For a very long time, science was only focusing on what was revealed to the five physical senses. As humanity, developed more elaborate instruments and more powerful lenses, it became able to discover micro-realities through the use of microscopes and x-rays and macro-realities through the use of powerful telescopes.

“As more knowledge was being gathered through these researches, the line between science and spirituality started to get blurry and the time came when scientists had to recognize that matter is actually energetic. They had then to reconsider their theories to include the possibility that there is a Great Intelligence at the onset of All That Is and that there is much more to reality than what is visible to the bare eye.

“In your own life, as you learn to investigate what is within you, you also come in touch with an intangible but very real reality. You come to experience for yourself that the purpose of your physical body is to serve your spiritual being—not the opposite. This is the key to eternity—the correct Master/Servant relationship. Your Divine Fragment is the royalty within your being, teaching you how to claim your divine birth right.

“He is revealing to you that you matter a lot more than you give yourself credit for and that you are a powerful being that has not yet developed its full fledged abilities. It is like divulging to you that you were kidnapped at birth and that your real parents are from a much better genetic stock than your foster parents and have been searching for you all along.

“The story of the prodigal son goes both ways. The son decided to come back home as the longings for his family were strong and got the better of him. The contrast between his current impoverished and solitary life and the loving atmosphere of his father’s home became stronger and stronger as he endured more and more hardship. His so-called independence lost its power of attraction. He then decided to return home—humbly.

“When he arrived home and that his pride was no longer in the way, his father welcomed him with open arms and total forgiveness as he too had been longing for his lost child. Love does not need to forgive. Love is a gift that is freely given and it transmutes situations, stripping them from their shadowy elements.

“Turn toward me, dear child, daily--moment by moment. You are my prodigal child and I am welcoming you home with Love. I am extracting you from your unhealthy environment and opening a door to a clearer passage in order to take you back to the Father. Look at yourself and at others with respect so that your actions can reflect this inner attitude. Learn to believe in yourself as I believe in you. Encourage your siblings, inspire them! This is the most powerful spiritual influence as it will show them that they too are being called home. Once they register that inner calling, they too will drop their old ways and undertake a more conscious spiritual journey as they will be aware of the manifold promises contained in this amazing ascension journey.”

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