The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Chaotic times reveal the degree of Christlikeness of those who profess to be Christian. Their actual spiritual status transpires through their behaviors.

Jesus demonstrated the right way of spiritual living and admonished all to follow his unwavering lead. What would be the point of painstakingly blaze a spiritual trail if no one was going to use it? Jesus’ cheerful ‘follow me!’ invites you to embark on a spiritual journey of discovery that will lead you to transcend your human status to legitimately earn your affiliation with the growing number of graduates in divinity.

Jesus always operated under the umbrella of love-in-action. He never missed an opportunity to be of service, as service is the cosmicmodus operandi—something much neglected in your world. His overall priority was to eventuate the Father’s will by serving him while serving others.

His awe-inspiring humility made him stand out as a superb personality that exerted a positive influence through selfless and heartfelt service, thus providing an pure outlet for the cosmic flow of the love substance.

You too can turn your life into a poignant testimony if you put to optimal use Jesus' practical tools of indiscriminative love-in-action. His Spirit of Truth supports your well-founded claim to greatness to be facilitated by your voluntary alliance with a divine Father fragment. Speaking from personal experience, Jesus reiterated, “Ask and you shall receive!”

Your itinerary will present you with many checkpoints. Jesus did not lose his way, neither did he get caught in soul-numbing circles or stuck in the standstill of procrastination. He averted such adversarial predicaments by taking frequent time-outs to consult with the Father, thus getting practical tips on the most godlike way to proceed. After assimilating his marching orders, he would follow them to the letter—never compromising his integrity.

Follow the compassionate and loving ways of Jesus! His upbeat attitude originated from the boundless gratitude and immense respect he felt toward the precious gift of life. He masterfully honed critical discernment skills by using the Father’s vision as a steady point of reference. Such is the way he invites you to follow—in thoughts, feelings, and actions.”

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