The Inner Sherpa



We find God through the leadings of spiritual insight, but we approach this insight of the soul through the love of the beautiful, the pursuit of truth, loyalty to duty, and the worship of divine goodness.” [UB195:5:14]

Thought Adjuster: “Most of the environmental problems your planet is facing at this time have been engineered through misguided decisions. Decision making is an invisible mental process that gets manifested into visible reality through actions.

“Each object you use was mentally ‘conceived’ before it was ‘eventuated.’ The levels of truth, beauty, and goodness reflected in your reality are determined by the snowball effect of uncountable human decisions.

“When the outcome ‘stinks to high Heavens,’ it is evident that the underlying decisions were unwise and strayed off the divine pathway of Love-in-Action. You need to remedy crisis situations by retracing the misguided steps that caused them in order to devise an effective counterattack. The same applies to the state of your inner world.

“What is your personal responsibility in the Correcting Time? What is it in your persona that you need to ‘rehabilitate’? What are you manifesting through your decisions? Which type of frequencies do you emit? What is your overall operative mode? Do you contribute to the emotional environmental toxicity? Or do you mindfully deal with unbecoming emotion as soon as they break through the ground of your thinking, thus preventing their nasty proliferation?

“As a free-will creature, you definitely have a say in the collective manifestation of reality. When you become aware of areas in need of improvement, you can initiate the needed shift by starting right within yourself and working at redressing what has been bent out of shape by millennia of faulty thought management.”

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