The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Love. Indeed, every single creature craves Love—whether it is able to admit it to itself or not. Being part of one greater all-encompassing organism, it makes sense that each cell instinctively knows that it has not been meant to live in separation. Love is the invisible magnetic force that holds everything together.

“Love knows no boundaries. You live in an infinite cosmos, ever-expanding, and the Father’s Heart will never run out of Love Substance, as it is an impossibility that any of His creative endeavors would come short on Love.

“Go within and place your attention on LOVE. Inhale it as long as you need to, in order to supercharge each cell of your being. Your breath is the doorway for such an energetic process. Take deep breaths and visualize that they are infused with a powerful quality of Love. They are indeed.

“Whenever you hit a hard patch in your day, catch your breath and collect yourself by refocusing on your breathing and the Love that rides on it. Love is the oxygen of your being. You may feel deflated at times, but there is always a Divine Refueling Station right where you stand. Keep it in mind and you will become more resilient as you bravely attend to your life’s assignments.

“The more focused you are on Love, the more you will exude it from all the pores of your being and the more radiant you will become. This too is part of the unchanging and inalienable Law of Cause and Effect. It is indeed a win-win situation.”

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