The Inner Sherpa



“God loves the sinnerandhatesthe sin: such a statement is true philosophically, but God is a transcendent personality, and persons can only love and hate other persons. Sin is not a person. God loves the sinner because he is a personality reality (potentially eternal), while towards sin God strikes no personal attitude, for sin is not a spiritual reality; it is not personal; therefore, does only the justice of God take cognizance of its existence. The love of God saves the sinner; the law of God destroys the sin.” [UB 2:6:8]

Thought Adjuster: “You can rightfully imply from the above statement that God entertains undying hope for His erring children. His love for them prevents Him from ever withdrawing His offer to give them access to eternal life.

He leaves it up to them to make the weighty and terminal decision to cease to exist as spiritual beings, irrevocably turning down His merciful proposal. The saying, “as long as there is life, there is hope,” is pertinent to both sides.

Due to its innate unsustainability, sin has a relatively short lifespan. However, the Father, being a resourceful Realist and an incorrigible Idealist, finds ingenious ways to salvage and recycle from any spiritual disaster areas any remnant of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, as their essence is divine—His way to extract the sweetness from bitter lemons.

How then did Jesus deal with the complex and highly challenging assignment to blaze a trail toward the world of light and life the soul of humankind is crying for? He strategically only engaged in worldly affairs that would spiritually benefit all generations. He took up cases that pertained to social injustices of a we-against-them nature: rich versus poor—be it in a material, emotional or spiritual sense; men versus women; education versus ignorance, and more.

Until the Brotherhood of Man under God's Fatherhood becomes a reality on Earth, you are the laborers in the field. There is no better way to plow ahead than to follow the direction of the furrows Jesus tilled in fertile spiritual soils.

Peace and order harmonize. The vision of the laborer determines the quality of the harvest. Does he fully understand the potentials of his field? Does he cautiously remove the scattered rocks to protect his plow from accidental damage?

The rocks standing in your way are your and others’ character flaws that blur your long-distance vision. In all He did, Jesus bore love in His heart—never hate. He skillfully addressed touchy predicaments to strip them of their volatility. He innovatively turned the other cheek, taking His detractors off balance. He never partook to the collective blaming game—always owning up to His share of responsibility. He remained cheerful amid challenges, understanding that positive emotions fuel godlike vibrations, thus bridging humanity and divinity. Whenever faced with injustice, He invariably stood up as the pro-bono advocate of the mistreated.

These chaotic times are the perfect storm for each one of you to hone similar spiritual skills. Ask yourself how you can be both a pacifist and a pacifier, thus role modeling a better alternative to the warmongers driven by base emotions that cannot make the world a better world. How could they? They are estranged from the Tree of Life whose luminescent sap is all about love.”

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