The Inner Sherpa



“Let not anger and hate master you. Speak harshly of no one.” [UB 1447:03]

Teacher: “Dear child, the above quote got your attention. It is short and to the point. The thought came to your mind that anger + hate= terrorism. Isn’t it what you witness in many parts of your world? Isn’t it why so many have a feeling of great impending danger?

“Indeed, anger and hate are very destructive forces. They never contribute to a positive evolution as they are forces of regression and of great disruption. How do you remedy to them?

“For many it is very easy to feel righteous when faced with blatant acts of iniquity. Most human beings are innately good and their first reaction when witnessing such dysfunction is to go into denial as such behaviors are so foreign to the way they approach life that they cannot fathom such evil and accept the fact that some members of the human race could sink that low.

“Yet, it is a sad reality of your planetary life. After the initial reaction of disbelief and denial, when the evidence can no longer be contested and ignored, those who feel victimized by such iniquitous behaviors, tend to become very angry; sadly, frequently their anger is a portal to hate.

“Anger is part of the emotional spectrum; it can be a booster shot to your system, intended to help you move out of passivity, depression, or complacency. It is part of an emotional evolutionary process. Individuals should not remain stuck in their anger but be propelled by it to take positive and remedial action. ‘Positive’ is the key word here. Terrorism is an angry reaction that results in a state of full blown hate toward others and it eventually ricochets back to its sender.

“Yes, both hate and love are boomerangs. What you send out comes back to you in kind. This being said, on which emotion would you rather place your return address? Love is the no brainer answer.

“Your Master Jesus was rightfully indignant about the desecration of His Father’s Temple by the merchants; He reacted strongly at first—out of love for His Heavenly Father, not out of hate for the merchants. This is the reason why He did not remain stuck in what could be perceived as an angry reaction. He spent His life teaching the power of love—toward yourself, your siblings, the Father. Love, love, love. Unconditional love makes allowances for the shortcomings of the still imperfect creatures. It understands their attenuating circumstances due to their state of ignorance and strives to become their Teacher.

“Dear ones, in these uncertain times, do not allow hate to take over your being. Rather, see this as an opportunity to gain self-mastery and to nurture love—no matter what. Send Love and Light to those who upset you. This is what they need most as your siblings. Their state of spiritual immaturity and selfishness reveals that they are not in touch with their true self and are blindly and impulsively denying its existence. Pray for these slumbering souls so that they too can step into the light of day.”

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