The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael: “Dear child, wherever there is Love, there is longing. This is what makes you realize that your heart has opened. If you long for your morning connection with Me and your Divine Family, it means that we already have developed a loving relationship. Trust in that fact and keep nurturing our communication from your end of the line.

“You have been setting as intentions to become enlightened about forgiveness and how to master that amazing and liberating process. I would like to elaborate more on the topic of forgiveness.

“A heart filled with Love will have no need to forgive as it will not be contaminated by resentment and grudges. There is no room in that heart for anything else than the Substance of Love which is filling its reservoir to the brim. It is like powerful water springs surging from the ground and flowing outward. Anything thrown in such a stream would automatically be rejected by the water pressure.

“Such a love filled heart will not have anything to forgive as it is does not revolve around the small ego who takes personal offense. This is why true Love is unconditional. Love does not dwindle its precious energy by wondering whether or not its recipients are worthy of it--or not. In the Father’s Vision, everything that has ever been conceived and manifested has been done through Love. This is why the Father does not debate whether or not you are worthy of His Love.

“The feeling of unworthiness stems from the fact that you have been told that you are imperfect and unworthy, that you are guilty and that you should be ashamed. NEVER would a loving father project such derogative and energy sapping comments at his children. A good educational system favors positive reinforcement—rather than crushing even more individuals who already are dealing with an inferiority complex of not being good enough.

“Viewed through the eyes of love, everything and everyone is beautiful and Gratitude is another fruit of Spirit that is added to the mix. Whenever you struggle with your ability to love someone who caused you harm, look at him/her through the Eyes of Love and also look at them as a mini-Me. I AM Love and it will make it much easier for you to love your siblings is you love Me through them. I will make up for the deficiencies of their character. This is my responsibility. All I wish for my children is to love and respect one another and develop a heart of compassion—devoid of judgment. Yours is not to judge. Yours is to forgive and to love.”

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