The Inner Sherpa



“Love is infectious, and when human devotion is intelligent and wise, love is more catching than hate.” [UB 1098:03]

Thought Adjuster: “As you are pondering the above statement, two qualifiers of Love are brought to your attention: “intelligent” and “wise.” They strike you, as they differ from the concept that many have about love.

“You have heard the sayings “To be head over heels in love” and “To be madly in love.” This type of love seems foreign to the wise and intelligent love described above. Yet, true Love is indeed intelligent and wise. It is ‘wisely’ dispensed under its various forms—in response to the needs of the creature. Indeed, there is such a thing as the “intelligence of the heart.”

“Unconditional Love has nothing to do with the misguided love of parents who ‘spoil’ their children by dispensing it ‘unwisely’ and ‘incommensurately’ to the needs of the children. Such a love is dictated by the children’s immature ‘wants’, rather than being guided by parental wisdom in response to their needs.

“Each one of you has to learn to practice love in such a way. Is it wise? Is it intelligent? If it is, it will be coming closer to the Love stemming from God’s very Heart. Such a Love will be a Teacher, as well as a Comforter. Yet, it will not promote unbridled liberties. Rather, it will protect the spiritual interests of the creature, rather than endangering them.

“Love can only be dispensed according to the capacity of receptivity of its object. Dear ones, learn to unclog your own Love Receptors. The challenges of your life may have led you to disable many of them by unconsciously allowing your heart to be invaded by such toxic emotions as hate, bitterness, resentment, and jealousy. They prevent the healthy flow of unconditional Love from flooding your heart. Live and Love with awareness and you will experience an amazing inner metamorphosis that will be mirrored through your wise, intelligent and love-infused actions and co-creations.”

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