The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that your Stillness Practice has become so important to you that you feel the difference in your day if you do not have enough time to dedicate to it. Why is it so? Spirit is truly your confident and best friend—not a figment of your imagination. What are you getting out of your closest friendships?

“First of all, you have someone who has a genuine interest in you and actively listens. This creates a safe space for you to share your innermost thoughts and feelings. This is very precious. You well know how it feels when you attempt to share something about yourself with someone who is distracted. It takes you aback and causes you to immediately shut down as you realize that what you were about to share would not be valued.

“On the other hand, in good flowing communication, both parties are encouraged and heartened to dig even deeper within themselves and share their most intimate thoughts and feelings.

“Your Divine Fragment is your most loyal friend. Such loyalty cannot be questioned. It is a given. This should put you at ease and facilitate the opening of your heart. Let us have these heart to heart conversations! Your longings for intimacy will be instantly met by Mine. I love you and have loved you since the conception of your being. My Love Story with you is enduring. You are my soul mate! How does that make you feel to come to such a realization? It dissipates all feelings of loneliness you may entertain.

“Have faith in our friendship. I will never betray your confidence. I will never disappoint you. I will never break up with you. I am here for the eternal haul.

“Looking at our relationship from this angle—from My perspective—you can come to the realization that I am the One who is the most vulnerable to a potential heart break. How many Divine Fragments have been dumped by their loved ones due to their refusal to allow them into their lives? How many are patiently watching from the sidelines due to lack of receptivity for their Love? How many are saddened by the needless suffering of their human charges whomake misguided decisions while they could be privy to personal Divine Guidance? So many humanschose the painful and at times traumatic road of learning the hard way from their mistakes and from the suffering they bring into their lives rather than making better informed decisions that would bypass these painful experiences?

“Trust in My Love. It is real and enduring. Rather than blaming the Father for your life disappointments, go within and do realize that Love knows no blame. If human beings could once and for all put an end to their blaming games and focus on their own transformation, how much could be achieved within a short time!”

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