The Inner Sherpa



“My Father abides in me and works through me. Believe me when I say that the Father is in me, and that I am in the Father, or else believe me for the sake of the very life I have lived—for the work’s sake.” [UB, 180:3.9]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us rephrase Jesus’ statement, as it has a universal application that includes YOU. “Your Father abides in YOU and wishes to work through YOU. He is in YOU, and YOU are in him. Allow him to use YOU as an instrument.”

Jesus was not a delusional, narcissistic personality. Quite the opposite. He reached his convictions through the validation of personal experience. He articulated them for YOUR benefit in his capacity of truth discloser. His sworn enemies, disgruntled by the fact that they could never catch him in a lie, framed the epitome of innocence by manufacturing ugly lies.

Jesus reached self-mastery by abiding by the divine mandates in all his endeavors. Self-realization should also be your objective. The Father assigned you a purpose for mutual glorification. As you progress toward its maturation, you become yet another revelation of the Father through the alluring godlike qualities you come to embody authentically. Your beautiful metamorphosis will encourage others to step up their quest for everlasting meanings and sustainable moral values.

Your motivations make your legacy either anodyne or awe-inspiring. Keep in mind that your life force will be multiplied manifold if you devote it to worthwhile endeavors, as the Divine will top it off with his premium energies and the inexhaustible driving force of his love. He wishes for his Presence to eternally LIVE within YOU. What an honor and a privilege it represents! It speaks volumes for your intrinsic value. Yet it is yours to appreciate—in both senses of the word.

Express your undying gratitude for such gifts and judiciously invest your time and talents to make them fructify and depreciation-proof. Trust Me! Your spiritual growth curve will maintain its upward trend, taking you to currently unfathomable spiritual heights—all the way to the glories of Paradise and beyond.”

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