The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You have conditioned your being to receive by intentionally raising your vibrations. Indeed, this is a great way to ease the connection with those of finer vibrations. Whenever you enter a crowded room, you become immediately aware of its ‘ambiance’—its emotional temperature. You sense whether it is gloomy or cheerful, hostile or welcoming. In the first case, you wish to quickly retrace your steps to the door, as you feel trapped in an uncomfortable situation. In the second one, you instantly relax and a smile decorates your lips, as you are eager to partake of the conviviality reigning in the room.

Indeed, whenever you want to commune with Spirit and your Soul Family, it is important that you prep yourself accordingly in order to feel at home in their higher vibrations. Otherwise, you will feel out of place, as your vibrations won’t have anything in common with the loving vibrations they exude.

Surely, there are moments when you feel at your lowest and dejected and want to turn to Spirit for upliftment. It is definitely possible through the access door of your heart. Whatever is sincerely expressed by your heart is irresistible to Spirit. Be sincere, be genuine, and express gratitude for what is right in your life, rather than complaining and over focusing on what you interpret as wrong. State your challenges objectively and you will become mentally receptive to higher guidance. This will, in turn, translate into the positive strategy you will be assisted to devise to cope with your hardships.

Turning to Spirit for quality time will also positively distract your mind from its concerns. This is what friends are for. Whenever you are downtrodden, they will do their best to help you see the silver lining of your situation and to cheer you up. You will then part company with hope in your heart and a bounce in your stride. Dear ones, turn to Spirit often during your day, as It is not even a breath away.”

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