The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You are waiting with anticipation for today’s message. It is like standing by the mailbox waiting for the mailman to deliver communications from your loved ones. There is a sweetness in the waiting, knowing that the letter is already on its way. Indeed, there is a labor of love that has been taking place long before the actual reception of the letter in your mail box.

“At times, Spirit will drop you a love letter. At other times, the message will contain more practical guidance to help you lead a better life. On other occasions, Spirit may ask you some personal questions in order to help you go within and scrutinize the content of your life. You may also receive mail from friends and families on High who deeply care about your personal evolution and the improvement of the world you live on.

“Indeed, Spirit connects with you with a parental heart—reassuring you that you are loved, but also sternly guiding you when you are in need of some tougher love. Tough Love is still Love—a facet of love that actually demonstrates how much Spirit cares about you. Do not resent such a type of Love! Looking back at your life, you will assuredly pinpoint moments in time where you were greatly propelled forward by expressions of tough love. It will have expressed what you did not care to hear but what you NEEDED to hear. Shouldn’t your needs take priority over anything else in your life? Spirit will cater to your needs rather than unwisely spoiling you by indulging your whims.

“Dear ones, whatever the content of the spiritual downloads in your mental mailbox, be assured that they are all stemming from the most loving intentions. Be receptive and take the time to go over them again and again in order to integrate their content in the very core of your being. This is your way of gratefully acknowledging their reception.”

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