The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “You just spent time in the Stillness with the heartfelt intent to cleanse you being from trapped emotions. You have been asking about that process and you just experienced that we indeed provided you with a powerful guided meditation that we wish for you to share with other receptive souls.

“Everything boils down to energy. What I mean by that is that emotions are loaded energetically in the same manner as colors are. To describe emotions, you resort to the visual aid of a palette of colors, as it helps you convey the emotional shades you feel at any given moment: dark emotions, vibrant ones, and much more. You also ascribe them a weight and a charge: heavy, light, strong, weak…

“From that, you can understand that you can and should address your emotions from an energetic perspective. As you well know, your energetic being consists of a variety of chakras that have similar colors as the ones displayed by a rainbow.

“As you go through life, some of these colors lose their vibrancy, as they are watered down by emotions that are not of the Light and should not be granted the status of permanent residency. Yet, due to your lack of awareness about the damages they cause in your being, you allowed them to attach themselves to your chakras, which are as well tightly connected to your physical organs and glands. You can now understand the adverse ripple effect that such emotional squatters can exert on your overall wellness.

“As you just experienced, a very effective way to purge your being from these uncomfortable emotions is to set a very clear intention at the beginning of your Stillness Time—just as you would articulate the agenda of a board meeting. You also call upon the highest celestial influences available to you—the Board Members. I can promise you that Spirit will ALWAYS be in attendance, whenever you humbly declare your willingness to perform some personal housecleaning.

“Then, take sufficient time to climb one by one the ladder of your chakras—from the base chakra connected to Mother Earth to the Crown Chakra and those higher up that are closer to Heaven. Consciously, invite in your being these invigorating energies and ask them to flush out any stuck emotions that are not of Love and Light. Use your voice to articulate what you feel at any given moment, as your vocal chords can be used as the exit door for these trapped emotions. As you just experienced, this is a powerful and very effective energetic process. At the end of this process, you felt that you were wearing your “Sunday’s bests”—the best clothes in your emotional closet. Initially, you felt as an unworthy beggar but you ended dressed up in the brilliance of a child of God. You also felt that all the frequencies of your chakras had been attuned through that process to the perfect pitch of Spirit’s Tuning Forks.”

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