The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that Love is personal. It seems to be a no brainer but it is well worth pondering as so many human beings consider themselves or others as unworthy and unlovable and act accordingly.

“Love is personal. YOU—all of YOU—are deeply loved. You are loved with such unconditional love that your flaws and imperfections are in no way diluting the Love that is the Life Force of the universes. Take a moment to ponder this. Let it sink through all the layers of your being after opening your mind to this realization. Your mind is the self appointed bouncer that jealously stands guard at the door of your heart and unfortunately prevents your heart from wholly welcoming the loving influences that at times sadly bump against its padlocked door.

“Your heart is the perfect match for Love. It has been conceived to be its recipient and its conduit. What matters is that you let go of your doubt and the thick self-protective layers that human beings had to build around themselves as long as they perceived themselves as separate from the whole and in need of protective walls. Their heart became an impenetrable fortress—a fortress that fails to discern between fiends and friends.

“Dear ones, what would happen if you lived your life with more awareness so as to more wisely screen the various currents of influences to which you are exposed? What if—rather than being over protective of yourself—you would acknowledge that you live in a friendly universe and that this universe has been equipped to nurture you. You have been endowed with a body that is a very fine instrument and has not been not put to optimal use by so many due to lack of maintenance and fine tuning.

“Trust that your life is in good hands and that—in spite of all the tragedies that this physical world seems to generate through misguided human decisions—you are being guided in the right direction by very qualified Guides. They may take you through some challenging territories but they have at all times your highest good at heart.

“It took forty years for the Israelites to cross the desert toward the Promised Land as they were not able to learn their lessons in lesser time than that. Sometimes there is a need to prolong the time in the desert as its external bareness is stripped from the many distractions of material worldliness. It brings you back to the essentials as you could not successfully cross the challenging desert if you were dragging behind you material possessions that would only contribute to slow you down and to make your journey impracticable. In His Love, the Father provided the Israelites with daily ratios of manna to sustain them.

“The Father is your Travel Agent and wishes for you to travel light so that you can make meaningful spur of the moment decisions and keep openings in your daily planners where you can pencil in meaningful appointments—those who will enrich your life rather than drain it from its positive energies.

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