The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you consciously enter into the Stillness and listen within, we are placing in front of your spiritual vision, some thought lures. You are emptying your mind in order to be able to recognize thoughts which are not coming from your own mind. These are our teachings.

“Visualize a fish in a river on the outlook for sustenance. The fisherman is well aware of its quest and places at the end of his fishing line various lures that he knows from experience to be favorite fish food. Whenever the lure fails to get the interest of the fish, either due to the weather or to the patterns of currents, the fisherman will pull other types of lure out of his fishing box. Eventually, one of them will get the fish attention and it will bite.

“Your teachers have to do the same. They have to be resourceful in order to be able to convey meaningful messages to you. Your moods are also variables that they take into account. They may have prepared a few lessons with you in mind and will pull out of their repertoire the one which is the most appropriate on a specific day—in the same manner as you carefully select what to wear each morning, based on your inner emotional barometer as well as on the outside weather patterns.

“The Teachers are also taking the pulse of humanity. They are investigating the trends of their thoughts and feelings. They are helping you disengage yourself from the spiritual influences aimed at handicapping you in your growth. They are placing on your path positive thought triggers so that you learn to investigate such uplifting thought paths.

“Your thinking can be compared to a road presenting many forks. In the course of your day, you are taking a multiplicity of thought decisions. Many of them are catching you off guard like the rapids of a river and are threatening to pull you into difficult and muddy waters. Other decisions are connected with the divine life line and are pulling you to thought safety whenever you remember to grab that safety line.

“You too can help others monitor their own thinking by showing them that they do have options, that they can take charge of their own independent thinking instead of adhering to a certain group consciousness. The Father has created independent thinkers and the Correcting Time is occurring to bring His children back to their amazing uniqueness. The creative process is based on unique and individual God-given skills and talents. Your societies tend toward uniformity and this is one of the roots of the many problems of the planet. Uniformity strips many from their individuality and results in a very dull picture. The Father’s brush strokes are all but dull. Become the unique color that He infused you with in order to enhance the cosmic tapestry. Shine your color instead of shunning it.”

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