The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael/Jesus: “Dear child, as you invite Me to partake to your Stillness time and turn it into a private event, I am delighted to respond to your heartfelt invitation. The longings from your heart are what motivate Me unfailingly to respond. I am highly sensitive to the Law of Attraction of Love. Love is the irresistible element that draws Me to you. It is the fragrance of your heart that tells Me that the invitation you extend to Me is not just a social invitation.

“I know how much you want to get to know Me. I walked the earth over two thousand years ago and you are now also having your own human experience on the very same planet. Indeed, I feel much compassion and empathy for each one of you. I know how challenging life is on this planet. I know how long it takes for positive changes to come about. They are as like fragile snowdrops that are emerging from the dark underground and stretching toward the sunlight. Yet, their beautiful enfoldment does not always occur smoothly. As well, progress takes place among setbacks due to the extreme difficulty of maintaining faith and resisting the entrapments of ease.

“I witness the efforts of my children to improve themselves and the world they live in. I felt the same inner drive and this is also what I want to share with each willing soul. I depend on each one of you to keep my legacy alive and to expand upon it. You are my hands and feet. You are my spiritual offspring. Indeed, I did not leave behind any physical offspring as it was not the purpose of my coming. You are foremost spiritual beings and this is the reason why it is more important for you to be my spiritual children.

“Take some time to ponder that statement as it is weighty. YOU ARE MY SPIRITUAL CHILDREN. You are not spiritual orphans. By connecting with Me, you are claiming your birthright in my spiritual lineage. Isn’t it great cause for rejoicing?

“Keep striving at being the best you can be, moment by moment, day in, day out. This is how you will progress in ‘age and in wisdom’ as I did while living among you. Progress takes time and is frequently undetectable. Yet, it does occur as nothing in the entire creation is ever static. The past is the invisible scaffolding supporting each present moment. The future is what you ‘real-ize’ by acting upon your free will decisions.

“Dear children, take your son-ship to heart! Take pride in your progress. This type of inner satisfaction is earned and should be enjoyed. It is not selfish as it occurs for the highest good. I need for each one of you to follow my spiritual leadings—the leadings of my Spirit of Truth. Rather than ‘following the money’ like the saying goes, follow the Truth and it will leads you to everlasting treasures.”

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