The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: You just watched a powerful video clip that stirred within you a succession of different emotions: laughter, compassion, respect, empathy, etc. It made you realize that such a spectrum of positive emotions lay dormant within you, waiting for a trigger opportunity to bring them to the surface and ‘express’ them from the depth of your heart. In some way, you could say that these trigger opportunities give you a much-needed Emotional CPR.

Due to the variety of difficult emotions you are exposed to on a daily basis, you had to numb your heart so as not to allow them to take too big a hold on you, as they may lead you to be depressed emotionally. In some way, you are instinctively numbing the sensitive spots of your heart—self-medicating emotional anesthesia.

However, emotions have to be processed, as they are ‘in motion’. They do not do well when they are suppressed, as they have to be expressed. As long as you can feel compassion and empathy toward others, you have not hopelessly lost touch with your humanity. What you need to practice is to ‘unthaw’ the precious emotions that are preserved in a state of suspended animation within your heart.

You can do so by recalling happy emotions connected to past life’s events. Or you can imagine how you would feel if your deepest desires come true. Yet, nothing has more impact than what you feel in the present moment. “Tell your heart to beat again” is a song by Danny Gokey that deeply resonates with you. It also could be articulated as “Tell your heart to feel again.”

Dear ones, do not shy away from emotional challenges. Rather dive in them head and heart together. What matters is that you keep that head-heart connection going. What I mean by that is that you do not become irrationally emotional as this is a danger zone. Temper your emotions with the voice of reason and you will be well equipped to navigate them and allow them to carry you to beautiful places of the heart, rather than allowing them to drown you in hopeless sorrows.”

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