The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought crossed your mind that Love follows a ‘chain of custody.’ Indeed, Love originates in Paradise from the Cosmic Heart of the First Source and Center. Love is creative energy in action. It is at the very onset of All That Is and is also the Family Home where each soul longs to return to experience the fullness of the Divine Embrace.

“From Its heavenly source, Love flows to the Divine co-creative Sons and Daughters—those born in perfection and embodying the pristine values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness—its prerequisites.

“As more creations come into being, more beings are being anointed with Love and are being enlisted to partake in this creative process that spans over the multi-verse. Each step of the way, Love is being passed downfrom the higher celestial strata to the lower ones—each one being given the instructions to remain loyal to Love with a capital “L.”

“As you well know, your world suffered from the disloyalty of those it had been entrusted to. The breach of trust by Lucifer and his cohorts resulted in defiling Love by severing its chain of custody. It could be compared to erecting a flood gate meant to prevent Love from pursuing its intended natural course. And Love became love—a gaunt and ailing shadow of its true self.

“You now live inthe Correcting Time. In spite of the multiplicity of serious challenges your world is facing, the key to its full rehabilitation is to regain its ability to access the full strength of Love.

“As you individually open your heart and peel off the layers of resistance that have been wrapped around it as a protective shield, you become the next in line in the chain of custody of this precious Love Substance. Yours is to learn to purify your intentions so that you can live up to the expectations of your job description. Take pride in the fact that you are the custodians of the very same Love Substance that originates in Paradise and is meant to return there in order to seal the Circle of Infinity.

“Learn to promote and preserve its integrity just as you would protect spring waters from being contaminated by environmental pollutants. Become proficient at filtering and upgrading the quality of the love you express to your surroundings through your very being. Unadulterated Love is what is needed to bring about the planetary springtime. It is the much needed fertilizer that will nurse love-starved souls back to optimal health.”

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