The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the Longing for Wholeness. A longing is defined as a strong, persistent desire or craving, especially for something unattainable or distant. I am not talking about physical longings that have to do with sensory gratification.

“I am speaking about the deep-seated longings for meanings and values, as well as for Love and Peace. A life that does not strive toward growth and expansion is a life that is not lived in harmony with its God-given long-term assignment of ‘becoming perfect as I am perfect.’

“Your heart’s longings will eventually lead you to engage yourself on that spiritual journey. On this planet, many are lacking the basic requirements for physical sustainability, as they live in utmost poverty and have to devote their energies to their physical survival. They naturally yearn for sustainability and quality of life. Yet, there are also many human beings who have more than enough, and their lack of spiritual ambition is inexcusable. Instead of focusing on adding to their already overflowing material chests, being distracted by the management of their worldly estate, subscribing to multiple insurances policies, they need to come to the realization that it is only theirs until ‘death does part them’ and that none of them will be able to satisfy the true longings of their hearts for Love and Inner Peace.

“Your heart would not long for Love and Peace, if it had not been created as a container for these precious energies. If it stands empty, it will keep longing for them, until you do something about it.

“Dear ones, go on a serious quest for Love and Peace. They, and only they, will fill the vacuum in your heart. Do not ignore such higher longings. Rather take action to satisfy them. They will bring along a quality of inner joy previously unexperienced. They will make you long for even more beautiful emotions, and you will start experiencing higher emotional octaves, the existence of which you never suspected.

“Pursue your spiritual longings, rather than your material cravings. The first ones have an eternal future, while the second category leads to an unescapable dead end—a wall that you will surely hit simultaneously with your physical demise. You will then land on the other side empty-handed and empty-hearted, having to deal with the shocking realization that you are spiritually destitute and no longer belong to the self-appointed ‘elite’ of those who venerated mammon—a worthless currency in your next habitat.”

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