The Inner Sherpa



“Man as a moral being is inexplicable unless the reality of the Universal Father is acknowledged.” [UB 53:01]

Teacher: “You asked us to expand on the above statement. Indeed, one can explain man’s morality only in conjunction with the reality of the Universal Father. Were you not indwelt by a Fragment of the Father, you would not be aspiring to become godlike or to pursue an eternal career. Such aspirations are foreign to a mere animal creature.

“'It is the Adjuster who creates within man that unquenchable yearning and incessant longing to be like God, to attain Paradise, and there before the actual person of Deity to worship the infinite source of the divine gift.' [UB Paper 107, paragraph 5]

“If you stop and think for a moment, you will come to realize that each of your longings has a potential match in the reality you manifest. Indeed, the power of your imagination is incommensurable.

“At their very core, human creatures long for moral values, as those are the values that will sustain them throughout eternity.

“How else could you explain these longings, if they were not connected to their Source—the Universal Father whose Love embodies the totality of moral values?

“At the same time, you come to understand that the seeming bipolarity you experience within your being is only temporary. It is the battle between your animal and your human natures with its added spiritual attributes. Indeed, your spirit needs to tame the wild animal within you that is driven by your physical impulses.

“Self-mastery is gained through this process of inner domestication. It is like a conversion experience that reveals to you the morality of your being and activates you as a full-fledged moral being—who lives in constant attunement with the divine attributes of Truth, Beauty and Goodness—your wings to Heaven."

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