The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you sat in the Stillness, your little dog, Willow, jumped on your lap and settled down as if it was the most natural thing for her to do. The thought came to your mind that she was the messenger of today’s lesson.

“Indeed, there are many lessons contained in any life’s situation if you only look at them with scrutiny and an inquisitive mind. As Willow was so matter-of-factly claiming your lap, you expressed that you had the same longings to spend informal quality time with your Divine Parents—sitting at their feet and soaking in their wonderful loving vibrations.

“The other thought that arose in your mind is that, just as Willow is taking for granted the safety of your lap and the love you have for her, clamoring for your attention without even asking for your permission, you too, as human beings can take for granted that, by birthright, you belong to a loving celestial family and will never be turned away, even if you sneak your way in their presence—just as Jesus demonstrated by warmly welcoming the man who had worked his way to Him through an opening in the roof.

“Indeed, the Father’s desired a vast family and rejoices in each one of His children—you included. His arms are wide open to welcome His little ones who are running toward Him with open hearts—one aspect shared by all loving human parents.

“You are told not to take anything for granted. Yet, there are some exceptions to that saying, and the Father’s unconditional Love is one of them. It will never be taken away from you, unless you make the conscious decision to sever these family ties, just as the prodigal son did when he left the parental home to roam the world. Yet, he could not withstand for long the pull of the family love, being uncomfortable with the emptiness he felt within his heart. This motivated him to return home, willing to assume a servant’s position—a price he was ready to pay to live under the family roof. Yet, he never ceased to be his father’s son and he was welcomed as such.

“Dear ones, never doubt of your divine son ship. This is a given. This is one of the elements of your life you can and you should take for granted. Nevertheless, you can express gratitude for this wonderful privilege, just as the prodigal son was deeply moved by his homecoming, realizing then that all his fears and assumptions had been unfounded and were instantly dissolved the moment his father opened his arms to hold him in a bear hug.”

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