The Inner Sherpa



“Do not become discouraged by the discovery that you are human. Human nature may tend toward evil, but it is not inherently sinful.” [UB 1739:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the Power of the Will. Your will is a genuine source of power. However, it has to be connected to the right circuitry. You well know that to plug a device in an inappropriate power source can cause it to malfunction—to the point of burning out. The Power of your Will has been meant to serve the manifestation of your highest intentions. To be brought to their manifestation, your creative visions have to be ‘empowered’ through the focused and wise application of your will power.

“It is of primal importance that you hone your skill of discernment in order to select endeavors that are worthy of pursuit. Indeed, the human nature suffers from a propensity toward evil, due to the heavy legacy stemming from the self-centered Lucifer rebellion—a perfect example of the misguided use of will powers and their detrimental and lasting ripple effect.s

“Yet, contrary to the appearances, nobody can rob you of your will power. It is not a human gift. It is a divine gift that does not come with an expiration date as the Divine is not what your language would coin as an ‘Indian giver.’ He gives from the fullness of His Heart and ALL HIS GIFTS are meant to be put to the highest good and to be multiplied—for the sole purpose of manifesting Truth, Beauty and Goodness in your life and let their loving blessings flow into other lives.

“Sin is choosing iniquity over everlasting values. If you choose to accept the gift of eternal life, you are headed toward a future filled with unfathomably amazing opportunities. Your human being has been meant to transcend its temporary carnalenvelope and to undergo a multitude of metamorphoses, bringing you ever closer to your true identity of God likeliness and co-creatorship in its own divine right.

“Looking at it from this higher perspective, why would you choose to squander your will power on frivolous and non-productive endeavors whose results are bound to be short lived since they do not belong to the Great Divine Plan? Why would you choose to delay the coming to fullness of the amazing promises encrypted in your being? Why would you choose to diminish yourself by not activating your will power and by taking what seems to be the easy way out--yet a way that takes so much effort to reverse? Living in inequity disconnects you from the Divine Generator and eventually the batteries of your being will falter and die.

“The conscious activation of your will power will strengthen you and equip you to become more and more immune to the empty promises of instant self-gratification. Overindulging your smaller self at the expense of your higher Self causes it to lose its attractiveness as it fails to turn on its inner light and to exude a radiance that is not from this world.”

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