The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you are reflecting on the Purple Flame behind your heart, you come to understand that this Divine Light burning within your being is an authentic connection with your divine Spark--representative of the Father--, with the Spirit of Truth of Christ Michael and the Holy Spirit of Mother Nebabonia. They function as one within you, blending perfectly their gentle influences and collaborating with one another in perfect harmony for your highest good.

“Each one of them is performing a unique function within your being whose purpose is to bring you back to the Trinity of your origin. There is much to be learned in various domains and you have been generously given your own Tutors from on High. Whether or not you can fathom their influence in your life, what matters is that you are fully receptive in your attitude. To keep an open mind and an open heart is essential in order to allow Spirit to speak to you and to move through you.

“Your mind brings you in alignment with Truth and your heart brings you in alignment with Love. Love has to be centered on truth and truth has to be infused with love as they are one in the Universal Father and work together as the all powerful synergy of creation.

“Human beings have a tendency to separate the domains of their perception and this usually results in malfunction and disharmony. You cannot paint a beautiful picture with a perfect technique but discordant colors. Everything has to be harmonious in order to inspire higher feelings to the beholder. Truth, beauty and goodness are three facets of the creation. They are one even though you can zoom on each one separately from your human perspective.”

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