The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You were pondering that, even though many of you are constantly asking for inner guidance, it is not always forthcoming instantly, leaving you wondering if it is happening at all.
It is a PROCESS where you need to maintain a strong faith—your spiritual backbone. Jesus said: “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move; Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:14–20
Never forget that you live in an evolutionary world subject to the parameters of time and space and the laws of cause and effect. It takes time to get results, which also pertains to ‘asking and receiving,’ as your Guidance Team has to orchestrate suitable circumstances to facilitate the emergence of sought-after positive outcomes. Time is always on your side if you exhibit a patient attitude of surrendering to ‘the higher powers that be’ who are experts in helping you move mountains.
Practice tranquil patience, as a peaceful mind and heart are best equipped to become the repositories of the heavenly downloads, ever alert to pick up on the clues subtly or more openly positioned along your path by a resourceful universe.
The timing of divine intervention depends on the seriousness of your predicaments and the prerequisites the ‘Responders’ have to put in place to provide relief or feedback. 
Recall the times when you asked for divine help in moments of despair or uncertainty and you will better identify the workings of divine wisdom to provide you with the right prompts and nudges: synchronicities, out-of-the-blue opportunities, or mental downloads that helped you figure things out or keeping you proactive during a longer ‘interval.’
Keep the flame of your faith burning strong to do your part to facilitate the process. It is much better than turning into a doubting and disillusioned Thomas, which makes Spirit’s work more challenging as doubt makes you weak in the knees whereas faith multiplies your strength.”

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