“If you love your fellow men, you must have discovered their values. Jesus loved men so much because he placed such a high value upon them.” [UB 1098:01]
Still Small Voice: “Dear Child, the thought came to your mind that on a universal level, it is top priority to bring back to the Father’s fold the planets that have suffered from the Lucifer Rebellion. Doesn’t it make sense that the whole universe citizenship is focused to assist Planet Earth in regaining Her balance?
“When antigens threaten to spread somewhere in the human body, many antibodies are activated to neutralize them. This is how the body has been conceived—with multiple safety valves so as to preserve its integrity and prevent a complete shutdown. The body puts up a brave fight and --if wisdom and knowledge are applied to that fight for survival--, the infection can be defeated and the whole organism restored to optimal health. At times, a period of quarantine may become necessary in order to prevent the malignant virus to spread to others.
“The Father’s Laws are constant. What you witness at a small level also occurs on a much greater scale. The Lucifer Rebellion introduced destabilizing elements in the universe you belong to and the universal immune system was activated. The planet itself was quarantined until it was no longer deemed as contagious.
“If you take time to look at the known history of your planet, you will become aware of the progress that has been made through patient evolution – an evolution monitored from higher realms. At times, VIPs incarnated on the planet as Teachers. Machiventa Melchizedek—the Sage of Salem—was one of these Heavenly Paratrooper who descended from Higher Realms to bring back to the human consciousness the knowledge of the One and Only God.
“Jesus, a Divine Son, selected your forlorn planet as the site of His incarnation. He was posthumously awarded the title of Savior – the equivalent of the Purple Heart.
“When your little toe hurts, it draws to itself the attention of your whole body. This is what pain does. When one part of the universe hurts, it is also an attention getter for the whole universe as such a sore spot has ripple effects of immense magnitude. Wouldn’t it make sense then that the whole universe would lovingly jump into action to remedy to the suffering of its little toe?
“The fact is that the little toe is just as important as any of the other parts of the universal organism. God’s Vision is that of a smooth running and harmonious universe. Therefore, His Master Plan also makes allowance for exceptional events. In His Eyes, the ‘lost sheep’ is a key player in the fulfillment of His Great Plan as it has been uniquely endowed to fulfill a specific function that only it can perform.
“This is also the reason why it is of utmost importance for human beings not to consider any one of their siblings as of lesser value or expandable. How many potential geniuses have been aborted due to selfish or thoughtless agendas? It would serve humanity well to look at their siblings with utmost respect as each one is of divine essence and has divine attributes that can only be fostered in Love and Respect. This is why it is the mission of parents to detect and promote the budding talents of their children or to provide them with educational opportunities that can become catalysts for greatness.”