The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael/Jesus: “You are pondering the joint spiritual influence of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, and your Divine Indwelling Fragment. Indeed, We act as one. By the combination of our three energy signatures, We form a new Entity, just as by homogeneously blending the ingredients called for in a recipe, you develop a savory dish. Mother Spirit and I do not view ourselves as separate. We are One. As well, We are One with the Father. This is the reason why the ‘living waters’ of Spirit flow into our children as one River of Love and Light. Why would you wish to tear apart Its molecules instead of relishing in the Love that their synergy outpours into your life?

“We know of your spiritual and emotional thirst. Know that our River of Love will never dry up. All our children, no matter where they are located in our far-flung universe, are blessed with our River of Love and can drink of Its hydrating waters according to their needs. We will NEVER withhold our Love. It is topped up by the Love Provider—Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Eternal.

“Focus on the sublime quality of such a Love. Drink of it, bathe in it, breathe it in, allow for it to infiltrate all the intricate and subtle layers of your persona. Indeed, you have been created to be infused and surrounded by such a premium quality of Love. It is the foundation you need to be co-creative to the fullest—to be ‘in-spired’ and ‘spirit-ualized.’ It is not your final destination, but where you will find your beginning—the launching pad of your ‘Being-ness.’

“We hold you in our Love, as well as in our Peace—the two crucial elements needed for you to come into your own. Cater to them in your moment-to-moment living. They are the much-needed Healers that peels away all layers of uncertainty and confusion. If you only could fathom how beautiful and precious each one of you is! You are meant to embody Truth, Beauty, and Goodness--the makings of your Greatness.”

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