The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You have been wondering how to eliminate all obsessive thinking from your being. Indeed, many human beings are the unwilling preys to obsessive thinking and they do not know how to disentangle themselves from such mental patterns that are holding them back. How could a climber progress forward and upward if he was being held back by ropes attached to his point of departure?

“Obviously, such attachments have to be severed in order to greatly facilitate his ascension and negate all danger of him falling back. This metaphor is a good comparison for the obsessive thinking that prevents one from discovering brighter mental horizons.

“Usually obsessive thinking is tied up to worry and/or grudges—to things of the future that may or may not occur and to things of the past that have already occurred but are constantly being revisited, thus unsettling their dust.

“Moving on with one’s life means to sever the invisible mental and emotional cords that keep us connected to such unwelcome thinking. Those who dwell on grudges become increasingly more unhappy and disturbed. Those who constantly worry loose all their ability to envision positive outcomes and self-pollute their mental space.

“Rather than obsessing on negatives, why not focus on positives? Why not let go of what is in the past as you would let go of the wardrobe whose colors do not match your complexion? Rather than spending your energy to feed grudges and resentment, set them free by sending focused blessings to those situations that are still suppurating. Such blessings will be the laser beams needed to heal them. Practice such a substitution diet and use your imagination to envision a bright future rather than a somber one.

“All this takes awareness and constant practice so as not to get caught off guard. Yet, as you set such life changing intentions, you are taking a big step in the right direction. You may feel some resistance at first as you will have to wean yourself from the addiction of the old thinking patterns that left a mark in your being and need to be overridden by new healthier ones. Keep working at it! Persevere! Soon, you will start witnessing that you are gaining ground and leaving behind once and for all what no longer belongs in your life as it does not contribute to its beautification. You will even develop a healthy aversion toward those irritantsand ensure that they never again get a free pass in your mental space.”

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