The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that for many Christian believers Sundays are the days when they go to church in order to partake to some spiritual food dished out by their ministers or their representatives. For most, such a meal has to last for a week as it is the only time they dedicate to the feeding of their souls.

“Is that enough? Is that satisfying and truly nurturing? If you only fed your body once a week, no matter how big that meal would be, you would quickly get into a state of imbalance affecting all your systems. You would have energy to act for the first days of the week but would slow down as the week progresses due to the increasing weakness felt in your physical body. Soon enough, the obsession of food and of your next meal would take over your mind.

“The same goes for your spiritual subsistence but it is unrecognized by most as they are not consciously working toward spiritual goals. If they were, they would quickly realize that they need daily spiritual snacks in order to remain strong and motivated in their spiritual quest. The Master prayed: “Give us today our daily bread’ and He was not just speaking about the sustenance of the physical body. He led a life where His being was totally engaged in service and He knew very well how dependant He was on spiritual nourishment—on soul food.

“Do not neglect the feeding of your soul. So many souls have been starved for so long that they lost their appetite and are withering away. Those whobreak a fast have to reintroduce food very slowly in their diet so as not to overwhelm their digestive track with too much too soon. The same goes withbreaking your soul fast. Go within and tap into your inner guidance as it will bring into your field of spiritual vision whatever nutrients you need to introduce in your spiritual diet at any given time for a healthy soul growth.

“Any time is a good time to start with this new vision for your life. Nourish your soul daily and your weekly gathering with kindred soul will become the social potluck it has been meant to be as souls also need to break bread with one another and minister to one another.”

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