The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk for a moment about your breathing. Breathing is very organic to your being. It happens naturally from your first breath to your last one and without your conscious input. Your physical body has been programmed to perform many functions independently from your mental input. This frees you to focus on areas that are connected to your free will and that contribute to the uniqueness of your life experience.

“The bodily functions are common to the human species. In a healthy human being, they occur as if on automatic pilot. However, your mental and emotional states do exert some subtle influence over them. Whenever you are feeling fear, your breathing shortens, your heartbeat speeds up and adrenalin rushes through your being. If you live with awareness, you can quickly recognize these side effects of fear and take immediate action to counterbalance them by disengaging the cruise control and consciously taking command of your breathing in order to slow it down; that will in turn slow down your heartbeat and help keep in check the fear that would otherwise take over your whole being.

“Again, you can recognize the wisdom of your Creator and the interconnection of all the various layers of your being—the very personal laws of cause and effect.

“Life is very hectic for many people in your modern world as technology allows to multi task. This frees personal time but this free time is often being packed with so many self-imposed activities that you frequently hear people say that they have no time to slow down.

“No, dear ones, such is not the case. You have all the time in the world. What is needed is that you learn to prioritize the use of your time. Do you use it wisely or do you squander it wastefully and thoughtlessly as you would dedicate the money of your bank account to frivolous acquisitions that do nothing to contribute to your spiritual welfare as they are over focused on the immediate and short-lived gratification of your senses? This is another type of self-created imbalance that unfortunately very few among you detect as they are entirely distracted from the actual meaning of their existence.

“Just as you can consciously rectify the acceleration of your breathing and heartbeat when they become over reactive, you can also bring back into balance your life by consciously focusing on spiritual values rather than on material ones. This is a wonderful substitution diet that works wonders on your spiritual and emotional well being.

“By introducing the Stillness Practice in your daily activities, its soothing influence will carry over into your day just as the soothing influence of your calmer breathing will positively affect your overall well being.

“You will also come to realize that much personal time can be freed as you will become wiser in your time management and eject from your busy schedule all meaningless activities that have been jamming it. Use your discernment to perform this life clean-up project. By the simple decision to cut down the time spent mindlessly on your electronic devices or in front of your TV set, much time will be freed for new and enriching endeavors that you had not investigated so far. You will become more creative as you will be more hands-on in your own life. You will be inspired to reorganize your priorities and you will also be transformed by the decisions that truly serve your highest good and the highest good of others.

“Yes, dear ones, rather than complaining about the dysfunction of this world, take charge of your own inner world and bring it in harmonious alignment with the Father’s Vision for your life and you will witness the ripple effects of such a conscious way of living.”

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