The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought entered your mind that Love is an energy of the highest voltage. Let us ponder this more in depth. When two individuals “fall in love” with one another, it is being frequently compared with “being struck by lightning” or that one “could see sparks fly.” These are good comparisons as they explain the energetic connection that is taking place when similar and powerful energetic signatures come into contact with one another. A strong loving emotional sensation can also be associated with the physical energetic ripple effect of “goose bumps” or “shivers” that one feels at those times of intense and intimate loving connection.

“Yes, Love is the energy of the highest voltage there is in the whole multiverse. It is the initial intention behind the whole creative process. It is its driving force. Any initiative –any beginning—is rooted in this Love Force and is therefore meant to manifest in reality—to be real-ized—as Truth, Beauty, and Goodness that are the natural offspring and side-kicks of Love in Action.

“Each human being is equipped with such a Love dynamo and has the innate ability to plug into Love and to become a Love transformer—depending on how connected they are in their heart to the First Love Dynamo—to their First Love.

“Yes, dear ones, your First Love is very real in your life as it is at the origin of your Being—you were conceived by Love at the onset of eternity and the Father only has loving intentions toward you. It CANNOT be otherwise.

“Take the time to absorb this truth as it will help you activate within you this heart dynamo that is being fueled by the Father’s Love and that has been embedded in your organism to help circulate that powerful Love Flow. Many personal circuits have not found yet the access point to their own love dynamo and are running on much lower emotions that get manifested in a less than perfect environment—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Love is the tiny spark that is needed to start a devouring fire. “It only takes a spark to get a fire going…” Yet, this tiny spark is sufficient to inflame the heartsit comes in contact with.

“Trust in your own Love Spark. Become an igniter by sending love sparks to whatever you come into contact with. Such a loving attitude will spread like a wildfire you wish to be a catalyst for the glorified fire season that can spread upon the whole planet once the love kindling gets hold of all hearts. Love connects with love and love responds to love. It is exponential and unstoppable. Practice this throughout your day and always chose Love over any lower emotions. You will be amazed at the purification that will take place in your heart and your life. The burning fire of Love purifies and fertilizes. This is the nature of fire, this is the nature of love.”

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