The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you do your daily reading in the Urantia Book, you perceive with more clarity little tidbits of truth contained in each sentence and which need to be integrated into your being-- little by little as well. The Father cannot overfeed His children and the task at hand in their education is infinite as the creation process is an evolutionary process and new truth are being manifested along that process.

“The Universes are truly a place of continued education. The Pilgrim of Time are being taught on a need to know basis so that they can be led to bloom into their perfection of purpose. This is the first level of perfection which can be reached by an individual.

“In your material life, you may be introduced to an unknown device and, due to the fact that you are not privy to its intended purpose, it may take you a while – through the process of trials and errors – to discover it. However, once you are in the know about its function, you become able to put it to good use. It was meant to serve you and to make your life easier.

“The trick with human beings is that they are very frequently unaware of their individual purpose, a purpose which goes far beyond their life on this world as you have been created with an eternal vision, not one limited by time and space. This is why only part of your eternal curriculum is and will be revealed to you as seen fit by your Celestial Helpers and your Divine Fragment.

“It is very important that you keep asking the “Who Am I” question in order to live in a state of receptivity, allowing more insights to be sent your way. Practice moment by moment as growth happens in the moment on the fertilized soil of the past. Growth pulls out of the past whatever soul nutrients are required to sustain you in the present and to assure your continued growth.

Which type of fruit will the tree of your life bear? You will be amazed by the far reaching vision of the Father for your life once your true purpose will have become a reality, the reality of your being. The Father has great plans for each of His children and most of them would be intimidated by the far reaching scope of their life purpose if they were in the know. This is why only a little is revealed at a time in order to keep you stimulated in your growth but not to overwhelm you. All along the Father and his Helpers are encouraging you to keep going, whispering to you that you can do it.”

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