The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Let us talk about the Spirit of Worship. This Adjutant Mind Spirit is the last door opener to a magnificent communion with the Divine. It does not happen overnight, as you have to wean yourself from many mental and emotional blockages. You have to learn to trust your gut feelings as pertains to your relationship with the Divine, discarding the programming you may have been subjected to, whenever it stands in the way of a personal relationship with your very personal Father.

This requires much asking on your part. This is how your Master Jesus plowed His own way toward such an unprecedented human relationship with the One He affectionately called His Heavenly Father. As He grew through His human childhood and adolescence, He courageously dared to question the validity of any established dogma. This is how He liberated His own spirit and was able to set a very impactful track record, inciting all souls to find their own way to the Father—based on their unique personality. What is unique in you will find a unique match in one of the infinite facets of the Father’s Personality. Your ability to connect to the Father in your uniqueness is what makes your connection to Him so very precious.

The more you grow in your understanding of the Father, the more you develop the heartfelt and spontaneous desire to worship Him. Worship arises from Gratitude. Cultivate gratitude and your heart will be in a constant singing mode—chanting improvised songs to the Glory of your Maker or blending in the cosmic chorus of the Children of God—the many creatures who already came in touch with their own unique vocal range, yet singing on the same chord and perfectly blending in with the Chorus of liberated souls, breaking away from the weary and downtrodden chanting of the captive ones. There is so much joy in singing in such elevated tones!”

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