The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Growth occurs24/7, not just when you are awake. The night rest is necessary for your being to integrate into all its layers the daily experiences that are multi-layered as well. You may be aware of them on a physical level as you go through your day with your physical vehicle. Yet, your daily interactions go well beyond that material level. You think thoughts, you feel feelings…etc.

“Your daily activities need to be balanced out by your nightly rest. Your body goes to sleep; your physical organism is placed on automatic pilot. That takes a lot of stress away from the other layers of your being and they too can integrate their experiences. The dream state helps you greatly in that process. It is like the flushing system of your washing machine. Many thoughts and seemingly disconnected emotions are being tossed around in your dreams. This allows for them to be flushed out if necessary as your subconscious mind is highly intelligent and is equipped to help you maintain an inner balance.

“This is the reason why growth happens—continuously. The growth that takes place at night lays yet another foundation for the growth that takes place on a more conscious level during your daily activities. The nightly season of rest has a huge impact on the wellbeing of the planet as it also puts mental energies in a temporary state of slumber while half the planet is asleep. This calms the mental chatter that is strongly experienced during day time when so many energies are active at so many levels.

“Condition your night time the same way as you condition each day to be consecrated to the highest good. This will ensure that you are guided, guarded, and protected at all times and that a healthy growth takes place within you.

“Your sleep time is an auspicious time for Spirit to teach you subconsciously if you give your permission for that process to take place. Spirit will then act as the night Janitor that prepares your workspace for the next day. Wouldn’t you rather come to a clean desk than a messy one? Spirit will help you prioritize your job duties by organizing your mental and emotional filing cabinets that may have been put in a state of disarray by yet another challenging day at the office.”

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