The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: ““You were thinking that it is an impossibility to get an effect that is estranged from its cause. Indeed, this is a thought well worth investigating.

“It has become obvious to all of you that you live in a universe that is ruled by the eternal Law of Cause and Effect. You cannot grow a flower without planting a seed at first. A seed will not germinate without a fertile soil, water, and the sunshine.

“Yet, in the spiritual domain, many of you are still assumingthat in some magical way—mysteriously exempted from the Law of Cause and Effect—they will, after discarding their physical envelope through the process of death, awaken transformed on the other side of the veil—from imperfection and immaturity to absolute perfection. How could this be? What would be the value of your physical experience if it failed to affect its outcome? How could you emerge on the other side blessed with the bounty of the fruits of Spirit if you failed to ‘germinate’ and grow your soul in the fertile ground of your human life’s experiences?

“Your Master Jesus Himself had to endure many trials and tribulations in order to become fully ‘enlightened’ and qualify Himself as ‘The Way’ leading you to get increasingly in touch with your own divine nature. He did not lead a life of ease. Rather, it was filled with extreme challenges through which he was able to ‘express’ the Truth, the Beauty and the Goodness of His being. This is the reason why He resurrected in victorious glory on the other side of the veil.

“Surely, He interceded for forgiveness toward His fellowmen and an epochal resurrection took place at that time. Yet, it does not imply that the sleeping survivors awoke in a state of perfection. This would go against all the heavenly rules—especially the one of human evolution and co-creative free-will. Your destiny happens over time, as you master one by one a multiplicity of lessons—not merely on an intellectual level. They can only become part of who you are on an experiential level. This is how you integrate them in your being. This is how you are fine-tuned and molded according to your matrix of perfection.

“Dear ones, strive to be the best you can be moment by moment. This is the only way you can grow, mature, and contribute to the unfoldment of your godlike attributes. These are the seeds planted within you. You are the one deciding on their seasons of growth and coming to maturity. You are co-creating yourself and you will —and can—only harvest your own crop—cause and effect as well as Divine Fairness.”

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