The Inner Sherpa



«Love is the desire to do good to others.» [UB 648:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, much is being said about the planetary shift toward Light and Life. What does that mean? Such a shift is only enabled through Love in Action as Love is the original motive being All That Is.

“If you were sitting in an airplane flying at dusk, you would witness many lights being turned on—one by one--and illuminating the cities. This is how the spreading of Light and Life appears to us from our vantage point. One soul at a time is being activated by the conscious pursuit of higher intentions. One soul at a time is being awakened and is joining forces with other awakened ones. All these little lights are telling us that the Divine Presence within has been acknowledged and is being consulted and empowered.

“Jesus advised “not to hide your light under a bushel” but to shine it for all to see. Isn’t a light in the darkness a comforting sight for those immersed in the anxieties and anguishes of the night of their souls? When all is dark, the power of one single light is even more intensified and visible. It is up to each one of you to become such a bright light in the darkness. This will lead others to question how you are able to be radiant in spite of all contrary appearances. What is your secret?

“Light has power over darkness. Love has power over hate. It is time to claim your inner power and to no longer surrender it to the forces of darkness. For the world to shift into Light and Life, each soul has to shift as well. Love is the life giving element that is essential for such an inner and outer shift.

“Once the desire to do good to others becomes prevalent, amazing changes will take place at higher speed as the occurence of more and more precedents will accelerate the momentum of Love in Action and the Fruits of Spirit will be brought forth.

“Include love in your life: Love yourself and love others. Respect yourself and respect others. Love and respect have to be present at all levels and they will quench the wild fires of hate. As you practice this, you will soon witness that such outpours of love from your being will transform it on the inner. It will act asa healing balm and will flush out all unhealthy emotions—it will knock the wind out of them and deflate them as you would popballoons.

“You will also notice that the more focused you are on expressing love, the more joy you will feel in your heart. It cannot be otherwise. A peaceful mind and a joyful heart will be the welcome symptomatic side-effects of a love-driven soul.”

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