The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that human beings can be compared to little transmitter-receivers. Thanks to their physical senses, they are connected to various experiential fields: their eyes convey colors and the lay of the land; their sense of smell connects them with the invisible reality of smells and fragrances; their sense of touch connects them with various textures and sensations; etc.

“All these sensors are taken for granted by many and they do not stop to consider the greater impact that such connections could have on their world. Human beings are also equipped with much finer sensors—spiritual ones. The “sense” of intuition is one of them. However, due to lack of awareness, these senses are not optimally activated and put to their intended use of overlaying the physical senses and guiding the individuals in a more holographic way—through the various finer layers of their being.

“All senses need to be carefully attuned. Human beings are like walkie-talkies who are randomly picking up various sources of information—depending on the orientation of the antennae of their attention. They are equipped to receive AM waves of communications—waves that are “amplitude modulated.” The strength of the signals varies in proportion to the provenance of the information being sent --their relationships. Longer waves enable them to connect to higher realms if they chose to dial into these higher and purified frequencies. However, such connections have many prerequisites and have to be carefully and consciously initiated in order to reach their intended marks. They have to build up enough power to pierce through denser and heavier energies.

“The mind needs to be cleared from all lower interferences that would garble the purity of the higher communication. You have to consciously turn your attention toward higher thinking and higher feeling. This is where an encounter with the Divine can take place. The setting of your intention is like the dialing of the station you want to tune into. Just as you have to flip a switch to go from FM to AM modes, you also have to disconnect from the static of the world and put on your spiritual HD “headphones” that block out the mundane noisiness in order to take you into a space of Peace and quietude from which you can perceive much finer sounds and vibrations—the harmonics of Spirit.

“Activate this powerful communication system and hone your receiving and transmitting skills. All it takes is daily practice and the more you practice, the clearer the transmissions will become.”

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