The Inner Sherpa



“Whenever someone is being prepped for surgery, the anesthesiologist injects some relaxants and drugs in his bloodstream to put him to sleep. The patient may be asked to count from one to ten in order to ease his nervousness and ensure as well that he is lost consciousness before initiating the surgery.

“Whenever you enter your Stillness space, it is also a helpful practice to resort to counting in order to disengage your mind from its own thinking. Numbers are like access codes leading you to another state of consciousness. Resorting to counting helps you empty your mind more effectively.

“Spirit can only start interacting with your mind when your mind has been readied for that connection. Just as a doctor waits for his patient to lose consciousness before starting surgery, Spirit has to wait for the full mental receptivity of Its interlocutor. Spirit is patient; so should you be in that process. It does take time and practice to train your mind to more and more effectively access that space of thoughtlessness.

“Another technique to establish optimal receptivity is to focus on the opening of your heart. This is the best shortcut to establish the ‘heart to heart’ connection you are longing to experience with Spirit. Get out of your head and drop into your heart!”

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