The Inner Sherpa



“To assume that the universe can be known, that it is intelligible, is to assume that the universe is mind made and personality managed.” [UB 30:06]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Family Reunions. Many of you experience feelings of isolation and loneliness in an overpopulated world. The bigger the town you live in, the more estranged you feel toward one another. Why is it so?

”One of the main factors is the Fear Factor. The larger the concentration of the population, the more excarcebated the social issues become for lack of much needed ‘times out’—opportunities to disassociate yourselves from the social threats. Another reason is that large agglomerations tend to be very disconnected from the healing frequencies of nature.

“Yet, even though circumstances may appear gloomy on the outside, there is a greater inner reality accessible to each one of you at all times. You hold the key to this inner world—your inner world.

“It may be difficult to love your neighbor as much as you wish you could, yet you can strive to expand your ability to love by holding frequent ‘family reunions’ with your omnipresent Divine Parents and other relatives of your very large spiritual family. The more you spend time in Their Presence, the more you will get infused with Their higher vibrations of Love and eventually, your heart will be so filled with this Love Substance that it will bring it to the tipping point where selfishness will start morphing into selflessness.

“Once you taste True Love, you will want to share it as you will have realized that it is all encompassing. It is all inclusive and therefore, all benefit from it and the only personnal loss is actually a personal blessing—the shedding of the garnment of selfishness that constricted the expression of your higher self.

“Strive to expres Love through the many facets of your being: a smile, a kind eye contact, words of empathy and compassion, selfless deeds... and much more. There are many access doors to Love and whenever you share Love, you are deeply connected with the family side that you can be rightfully proud of—those who are waiting for you to claim your divine birthright and who will support you in your loving endeavors and make you aware of the many daily opportunities of selfless service that will bring about an amazing inner transformation that will eventually be reflected in a better reality.”

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