The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let’s talk about Hearts. Just as your physical heart has been carefully placed within the protection of your rib cage, your emotional heart is situated in the same area—behind your physical heart. Isn’t it amazing that both are the life-giving pump stations of your organism? This is the reason why they have been nestledwith so much care at the very core of your being. They are fragile and do need to be safeguarded by their environment—shielded from what could shatter them.

“Being at the core of your being, everything revolves around the heart—your very own solar system. Without this amazing pump, life could not keep flowing within you. What about your emotional heart? The parallel is obvious. It has been meant to circulate higher emotions so that they could be the catalysts for beautiful co-creations—Heart Works. This is the reason why it is so important to use your heart as a filtering device as well.

“Whenever foreign bodies enter your bloodstream, your immune system is placed on high alert and legions of antibodies are being dispatched to disable these malicious attackers. Your body has its own built-in defense mechanisms. Unfortunately, in regard to your emotional heart, many human beings have idled their emotional filter or live unaware that they are equipped with one. This emotional filter is connected with your thinking and with Me—your Thought Controller.

“I AM the Divine Fragment within you—the Father’s Good-Will Ambassador. I have all the right credentials to assist you in your spiritual growth and that includes helping you filter your thinking and your emotions so that they are of the highest caliber and are stripped from all threatening agents.

“Human beings need to be guided so that they can awaken to their true self and discover their amazing co-creative potentials—rather than blindly and dangerously manifesting on the outside their often distorted inner perception.

“Allow Me to cleanse your intellectual and emotional systems. Just as your blood can dangerously clot and lead to blockages and strokes, your emotions if they become attached to unhealthy clogging agents--such as bitterness, resentment, hate, greed, depression, etc.--can greatly constrict your emotional flow and lead to emotional strokes and uncontrolled outbursts--such as rage, anger, etc. These are great states of unease and they need to be swiftly addressed as if they are left unattended, they may be lead to emotional strokes that could be terminal for your emotional health.

Dear ones, learn to monitor your emotional pressure that also affects your physical blood pressure in many subtle ways and can trigger dangerous physical conditions. Rage raises the blood pressure and turns faces red. Fear causes arrhythmia and pulls the blood out of your face making it white as linen. Envy turns it green… etc. Yes, your thinking and feeling manifest themselves in your appearance. Your emotions have colors. Become masters at decoding your own inner world so that you can expand your inner beauty and eradicate the weeds of selfishness and self-centeredness that are constricting your being.”

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