The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you have been wondering why some of the people that you welcomed into your heart space are seemingly moving away or disconnecting themselves from your life. This has caused you grief as you cherished each one of these relationships and could see the Divine Hand behind their manifestation in your life. You are wondering if that same Divine Hand is as well behind their distancing from your life.

“Everything in life is ebb and flow, flux and reflux. Life is not static, never. It is ever moving forward and evolving. Your own being is a micro-universe and, as such, is also subjected to these constant shifting and changing. Friendships and relationships are adding much to the quality of your life as they are catalysts for heart openings. Whenever you open your heart to new connections, you also expand it and your heart has an infinite capacity to expand. This is what the Divine Plan is all about, a sharing and a mingling of the hearts, starting with the selfless bestowing of the Divine Heart upon all creation.

“By opening His Heart and sending out His Love throughout all creation, the Father created a vacuum in His own Heart. This vacuum will be filled whenever His creation will have matured enough so as to reciprocate that love. The Father is sustaining everything through the constant outpouring of His Love. Love is foremost a Gift. Yet, whenever the heart of the recipient of that love is open, it creates an instantaneous response of returning that Love. The expression pulling at the heartstrings is a wonderful depiction of that process. Whenever one pulls at the strings of a musical instrument for instance, the string will bounce back and express a sound.

“Allow the Father to pull at your heartstrings; allow the happenings in your life to pull at your heartstrings. Ask the Father which type of music He would enjoy originating in your heart. Do not cease playing your heart music even when other instruments are not joining in. Sometimes a musical solo is very heart wrenching and will inspire other hearts to join into this heart orchestra.

“When some heart connections seem to become quiet in your life, maybe it is to allow you to play solo for a little while and to realize for yourself that you are the one in charge of keeping your heart activated and to stream love from it. Love is never lost, nor wasted. Be grateful to have had the opportunity to love one or more persons, even though they may be led to drift away by the currents of their own life.

“That very same current of life will carry you to ever new horizons where many other souls will meet you and connect with you. The love treasures collected along the way, like pebbles on the beach, will add to your love treasure chest. The memory of every loving connection you have had in your life is forever contained in your heart and you are much richer for that. Do not look at apparent losses; rather look at the real gains, the enrichment of your heart. The more you love, the greater your ability to love becomes.”

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