The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were just reading in The Urantia Book about the Universal Censors and the Trinity Personalities who are involved in rendering judgment on the matters of the universes. They work together with the Perfectors of Wisdom and the Divine Counselors, thus encompassing the past, the present and the future and thus enabled to render fully informed decisions in all matters.

“Judgment is very misunderstood by the human race. So many judgments are being rendered on the spur of the moment, rashly, without in depth research about all the multi faceted circumstances which may have had weight on someone’s behavior. Has the past of the Defendant been taken into consideration with all its attenuating circumstances? What about the future and the God given potentials of that individual?

“These too should be taken into consideration by a wise and merciful judge and/or jury as they immensely impact the rehabilitation potentials of the individuals. They will need to be provided with a road map to set them back on the right track.

“The present moment also bears some weight. What is the attitude of the individuals about the acts they are being judged for? Are they resentful or are they receptive to an all encompassing forgiveness: self-forgiveness and the forgiveness of the ones who have been adversely affected by their behaviors?

“The Father is delegating the functions of judgment to the most qualified beings of His creation. Human beings can only deliver imperfect and uninformed judgment and criticism; this can be very harmful and contribute to more malfunction and judicial errors.

“Your Master Himself was the victim of such a travesty of justice. Whenever you feel the urge to express a judgment or a criticism about someone, remember that it is not yours to stand in judgment of others. Instead, go within your heart and ask your Divine Fragment to expand your understanding of the brother or sister you are tempted to judge.

“Would you like to be subjected to a rash judgment, not backed by a thorough scrutiny of the facts and of the evidence? Or would you like to have a chance to point out your true intentions and motivations and maybe, thus doing, to dispel any misunderstandings about your actions?

“Judgment is meant to extract the Truth out of the matter in litigation, not to cover it up and distort it as it is so often the case on your world. A divine judgment is merciful as it intends to give options of redemption and to dispense forgiveness.”

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