The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, you were just reading in The Urantia Book about the Trinity Ambassadors and Higher Celestial Consultants. None of them provides advice unless it is solicited. Why is it so?

“Whenever someone gives you unsolicited advice, you may not be receptive to it and it may even trigger resentment. Unsolicited advice may convey with itself an attitude of “I know better” and a sense of judgment or criticism – even though it may be unintended.

“Another reason for that is that the evolutionary process is a growth process. Creatures learn best when they have to figure out things for themselves. Guidance can be requested along the way, but each new enlightening step has to be integrated through practice. Too much, too soon could be overwhelming rather than inspiring. A lot of self-gratification can be obtained by doing one’s homework without the assistance of a tutor. The tutor might become an observer for a while in order to validate the graduation of the student from one level to the next.

“As you integrate new knowledge and understanding in your being, you also articulate new questions as new horizons emerge in your inner journey and you need new maps to navigate these new territories. This is when you will feel the urge to ask for advice and guidance. Spirit will teach you based on the content of your heartfelt questions.

“If the creature is not asking on its own, then unfailingly, life situations will arise to shake it out of its torpor. Whenever a circumstance seems to become precarious, the creature tends to reach out for help as there is a sense of great urgency in the request and the creature feels that its survival may be endangered. This is also when the creature is humbled and recognizes that it cannot do it on its. Humility is a door opener to higher teachings.

“Pride slams the door shut and builds an inaccessible fortress around the creature. This is what occurred with Lucifer and his consorts. By adopting a “I know better attitude”, they cut themselves off the loving consultants who were and are always available to help them get attuned to the Father’s will.

“The cosmos is a gigantic musical instrument and each one of its parts, no matter their size, need to be harmonized so that the cosmic symphony can express the beauty of creation. Be always willing to be attuned as it serves you and the whole.”

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