Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, you have been pondering how I work with your thought process – how I adjust your thinking. When a humans being have not spiritually awakened yet, our mission as Thought Adjusters start with monitoring their thinking. The reason why it has to start at this level is that we are looking for some higher thought forms in the mumble jumble of their thinking.
“As you well know from your own human experience, human thinking is at times all over the place, jumping from one topic to the next--from the rooster to the donkey as they say in France.
“By monitoring your thinking closely, we are able to zoom in on the more elevated thoughts and we can then draw your attention to those higher topics that can contribute to the expansion of your thinking.
“We are a little bit like air traffic controllers who spend their time monitoring the tiny blips on their monitors. We come to inhabit human beings at their first moral decision which validates for us the fact that they have the potential to develop their their moral back bone. The Father gifted each one of His children with a free will and it is of paramount importance that the human subjects demonstrate their ability to use their free will in alignment with the Divine Will.
“Once a precedent has been created, we jump into action as it unlocks the access to these human beings. We then monitor from within their thinking process. We separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.
“When our human charges learn to monitor their thinking process and start to consciously ask for more Divine Guidance, we then assume the job description of Thought Adjusters as we are being hired by our human associates to do so. We are being promoted.
“Finally, once our human charges have learned to fully trust into Our input, we then become their Thought Controllers. This is not the type of mind control you may experience on this planet through various misguided spiritual influences. Our mind control is based on the human free will and wholehearted desire to do the Father’s Will. You have learned to trust in your Teacher’s ability and judgment, and you know that it is for your highest good. It is then a win-win situation, celebrated with mutual elation.
“Whenever your whole thinking has been surrendered to the Divine Control, your spiritual journey will become more and more accelerated as the heavy gravity of a handicapped thinking is being lifted and the powerful pull of spiritual gravity is being unleashed. You then truly will shift from the status of an earth bound caterpillar to the one of a heaven bound butterfly and you will get to discover amazing panoramas.”