The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Child, go to your keyboard and start taking my dictation. I am happy to have an opportunity to speak to you and to your siblings. There is much we would like to convey to you from our side of the veil. We are observing you and we are well aware of the many challenges your world is dealing with.

“When the brain misfires, the body misbehaves. This is what happened to your planet at the onset of humanity as her leaders failed to loyally carry out their God given assignments for which they had wholeheartedly volunteered and had been thoroughly prepared.

“The planetary brain—those who had access to the divine teachings and instructions—staked a claim on unbridled personal liberties and seceded from the Divine Ranks. Lucifer smartly concocted a plan of his own and started campaigning for it in order to make it attractive to the ignorant souls whose spiritual guidance had been entrusted to him. This is the reason why the betrayal of public trust is one of the most reprehensible deeds one could commit. It happened eons ago and its nefarious ripple effects are still strongly felt and in dire need of remediation.

“All human beings have been magnanimously endowed with free will in order to have a say in their life course. The only higher power to whom they can safely surrender and report to is their Divine Fragment who is in the know of their eternal and unique life purpose. This is why it is so important for human beings to use their sense of discernment, their intelligence and independent thinking before committing to following any self-proclaimed leader.

“Whenever someone blindly pledges allegiance to a smooth talker, there is great danger that he be swindled out of his free will and of the opportunity to come into his own—to manifest the full bloom of his God-given personality.

“Dear ones, it is time to reclaim your free-will from those who surreptitiously deprived you of it. It is time to reconnect with your Divine Parent and to take your marching orders from that loving Source. It is time to be the prodigal children who return home wiser and humbled by their errors of judgment. Such children make their parents proud as they found a way out of their difficult predicament and simultaneously blazed a trail for others to escape from the stronghold of a well laid out deception.

“As you encounter Truth in your life experience, allow it to deter you from the lies and deceptions that have become part of your world. Secede from the sorry legacy of the Lucifer rebellion and join in with the Heavenly Forces that will help you liberate your planet from her age long suffering. It is in each one of you to do so by sincerely claiming your independence from lower tendencies and working toward becoming beings that are at peace within and without. Peace is that priceless quality of life that moves in when the inner and outer conflicts subside.”

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