The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Love today. Love with “L” is very different from the waylove with “l” is being interpreted on your planet. The Father’s Love is unconditional. Yet, this too can be misinterpreted. A true father loves his children for their individual expression of beauty, goodness, and truthfulness. Yet, they are not perfect and the father has to acknowledge the imperfections as well in order to guide and encourage each one of his children in their personal evolution.

“The Father loves the sinner but abhors the sin.” How do you understand this biblical statement? The Father is the embodiment of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness and resonates with the truth, beauty, and goodness that are embedded in each one of His creatures—at all levels of creation.

“The creation is an evolutionary process and the Father is well aware of the areas in need of improvement. He is able to take an objective inventory in order to promote His divine agenda and to take adequate decisions. Yes, the Father still has a say in the process—and always will. His intentions are eternal and therefore, His influence is eternal.

“LOVE—the highest form of love—is not enabling even though it is unconditional. Love has to be freely received and can never be forced as force-fed love is an oxymoron. Love has to be free flowing. Loving is not stalking and overbearing; it respects the God-given individual liberties.

“In order to ensure that the prerequisites for Love are in place, the Father has gifted many of His creatures with free-will. Free will is what enables them to CHOOSE love. Once creatures have wholeheartedly cast their vote in favor of Love, its influence can enter their field of perception as it will be gratefully received.

“Too much love too soon can suffocate the creature in the same manner as too much voltage can fry electrical circuits that are not equipped to deal with such a powerful download. A merciful period of acclimatization is needed at times. As you learn to express more love out of your being, you activate and expand your love receptors and little by little, you are transformed by love.

“Love is the primordial creative energy. You too can apply it in your life decisions and Beauty and Goodness will be manifested. The Father loves the goodness in you even though it may be only partially manifested. He has compassion and patience toward your weaknesses—other aspects of Love. Knowing your potentials, He looks at your bright side and presents you with constant opportunities to rise above your dark side—to ascend into light as you are beings of light.

“Love does not enable. At times Love has to “lovingly” bow out. This seems paradoxical and yet it is part of what love is. Whenever parents shower their offspring with unearned rewards or overprotect them, they do them a disservice. Children have to learn to stand on their own two feet rather than being carried around by their parents as it would greatly impair their ability to become independent and self-sufficient. Children have to learn to ride their bicycle without training wheels which may result in some bruised knees at first. Once the tears have been wiped off their face and that they have remounted the bike, their delighted“look at me” shouts will by far compensate for their previous anxieties and validate the parental wisdom. This is why “tough love” is “true love” even though it may seem to be a withdrawal of love.

“Learn to understand the workings of Love. Meditate on Love so that its essence can be revealed to you increasingly. It also requires courage to love—the courage to allow others to make mistakes knowing that they will learn through their painful consequences; and the courage to open oneself to rejection. Parents do not like to witness the suffering of their children; yet, they applaud the inner growth that takes place when the child victoriously emerges and is thus better equipped to deal with the next life challenge, the next one, and the next one.”

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