The Inner Sherpa



“When you once begin to find God in your soul, presently you will begin to discover him in other men’s souls and eventually in all the creatures and creations of a might universe.” [UB 1733:01]

Thought Adjuster: “Fear is never conducive to Love. This is the reason why a fear based relationship with the Divine cannot be a genuine relationship. Fear is usually triggered by a sense of threat or impending danger. It is an emotion meant to serve your survival in adverse circumstances. How could it have anything to do with your spiritual and emotional relationship with the Divine Giver of all life?

“Take the time to ponder what motivates you to turn to Spirit? Fear was present at the inception of primitive religions. Humans were faced with so many threats to their survival and sustainability that their spiritual evolution was fear driven. How could they conceive of a loving God while so many real threats were intricate part of their life? Naturally, a soul that experiences fear deals with a great burden. Fear makes you want to run away from its source rather than run toward it. Fear is intimidating and not conductive to intimacy.

“This is the reason why the Divine Nature was misunderstood for so long. Humans felt they had to appease the mysterious and powerful forces at work in their existence and this could in no way result into a relationship based on trust and loving surrender.

“Science has greatly evolved since then, successfully debunking many of the superstitions that were prevalent for so long. Little by little, it has revealed the unfathomable and all-infusing Intelligence behind all life. Increasingly, it has also revealed the ubiquitous foundations of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness and, consequently, the Love of the Father for His children was revealed, further enhanced by the spiritual awakening brought by the life and teachings of Jesus—a well connected Son of God who was born in the likeness of man and thus was able to translate the Love of the Father to His planetary children.

“This was truly a revolutionary revelation as it presented a brand new picture of the Divine—like the unveiling of a beautiful work of art. The Father does not want to be feared. He is not a heartless and manipulative disciplinarian. He is a loving Father and Love always calls for reciprocation. Make a habit of going within as it is where you need to search for such a personal Love. It dwells within you and yours is to learn to get in touch with it and activate it as it will carry over in all your relationships. Treat yourself and others with respect as respect is a wonderful precursor to Love.

“Once you have started to expand your abilities to love, you will live a very different life as Love is the best catalyst for a conversion experience. You will learn to look at the best in others rather than zooming in on the worst. The worst has no survival value. Isn’t it therefore a waste of time and energy to contemplate the dark spots of your reality at the expense of the brightness embedded everywhere? As you express your gratitude for the good in others, you give them value and a reason for living. Keep this in mind! By this very attitude of compassion toward others, you can become a powerful motivator for their evolution in the right direction.

“To God, everyone is lovable as He knows of their eternal potentials. See others through such lenses and soon they will allow for their hearts to soften as they too will start experiencing the safe zone provided by loving hearts. Eradicate fear from your life and promote Love. This is how you will color your reality with more appealing and vibrant hues.”

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