“Progress demands development of individuality; mediocrity seeks perpetuation in standardization.” [UB 557:13]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about Quality of Life. The above quote can be easily understood and validated by the current state of affairs on this world. It seems that many human beings favor a generic and standardized life style rather than putting to good use their imagination to express their individuality and to carve for themselves an extra-ordinary life—a life that is out of the ordinary.
“Why is it that blending in is “in” and that standing “out” is met with so much reprobation from the masses? It takes courage to stand out. You can deduct from that that there is an unhealthy element of fear and cowardice that keeps many enslaved in mediocrity. It is easy to get discouraged by peer pressure as many would rather see you fail than being successful; your success would stand out like a sore thumb against the background of their lack of initiatives.
“By turning within and checking with Me, your Divine Counselor, you will be made aware of your special gifts. You will be activated in your own life and you will start smelling the roses that have been lovingly planted in your being by the heavenly Landscaper. Yes, dear one, humanity has been meant to come to bloom like a beautiful garden adorned with countless varieties of vegetation and flora.
“It is up to each individual to solve the inner riddle of Who Am I? This question can only be answered from within by the Divine Presence who knows you best. At times, you may be made aware by others of your latent abilities. As observers of your life, they may help you identify your strong points against the contrasts of their own life. But it is always up to you to decide whether or not to pursue these new avenues of potential personal development. How many feathers do you want to add to your hat?
“Be true to yourself! This is one of the most important guidelines for each individual life. You are unique in the whole cosmos just like each snowflake or each grain of sand is unique. This uniqueness cannot be recognized at first glance. It takes powerful microscopes to reveal it.
“Do you just want to blend in an artificial uniformity—a one size that cannot fit all? Or would you rather enjoy the full strength of your being-ness and lead a life filled with thrilling and surprising adventures that you can only encounter if you step out of the boredom of your comfort zone?
“Be progressive in your own life! Be audacious andraise the bar of your experiences. You are indwelt by a Divine Fragment who is coming along for the ride. Let it be the time of your life!”