The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You wish for Me to expand on the meaning of the Father’s Will for His children. It is indeed a topic worthy of closer investigation as it has been given some erroneous connotations due to limited human understanding. What do I mean by that?

“The Father is not a dictator. Therefore He does not dictate His Will. “My way or the highway” is not an expression coined in Heaven. It is actually a loveless expression of personal will—an unyielding agenda focused on the small self, at the expense of others and the Higher Self.

“The Father’s Will for His children is the vision He entertains for their sound development. He knows of their dormant potentials toward the expression of Truth, Beauty and Goodness in their lives. His Will is all about the eternal expression of these values through the highest intentions and dedicated actions of His creatures—meant to become qualified co-creators.

“The Father’s Will does not infringe on His children’s free-will—a selfless gift that He won’t rescind. Free Will is a divine blessing that has to be handled with utmost care as it could inadvertently be turned into a curse if used in total contradiction with the positive and loving Divine Vision.

“When a parent gifts his child with a brand new car, his will is that it be a mode of transportation for the child, that it be used with caution, that it be treated with respect, that it be maintained adequately, etc. In order to protect the safety of the inexperienced driver, the parent will give the child some loving recommendations and ask him to kindly abide by them: Drive safely; do not exceed the speed limit; do not text and drive; do not drink and drive; get to know your vehicle; keep in touch with home.

“After doing so, the parent handles the key to the child and wishes him a safe trip. He does not dictate which road to take but rejoices when his traveling child sends home some colorful postcards describing the beauty of the sites he discovers along the way—the beautiful moments of his personal experience.

“Such is the Father’s Will. It is His Vision for your eternal happiness. It is His desire for you to excel at whatever you chose to put your energies into. He wants to be pleasantly surprised. This is the reason why He gives you lay way in how you live your life. This is what allows for your creative juices to be activated—your co-creative juices. You are the initiator of what you co-create and the only instructions from the Father are that you infuse everything you do with Truth, Beauty and Goodness—the building materials of the Kingdom of Love.

“Everything else is left up to your discretion; yet His Guidance is accessible to you at all times through His indwelling Divine Fragment—your onboard Partner and Mentor. Again, His Will—His Desire—is that you ask for His loving Advice and He will provide it to you upon your asking.

“May your will be to do the Father’s Will! May you desire to live in Truth, Beauty and Goodness, thus adequately fulfilling the Father’s Vision for your life as such a life is in divine right order and reciprocates the love that you so freely receive.

“Your efforts alone warm the Father’s Heart just like a handmade father’s day gift goes straight to the father’s heart and makes him proud. The Father will always give you an “A” for effort. The fruit of your labor may not be a work of art; yet it is a ‘work of heart ‘in alignment with the Divine Will.”

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